Our Asset Libray has moved over to Microsoft's Sharepoint.
We're still working out some bugs and getting thing set-up but all the files that were here are all located there now. Feel free to explore this page (scroll to see some of the features) of it you are looking for something specific you can visit the "Documents" page that contains all of the assets we currently have available.
If you attempt to visit the site and cannot get in please contact me at Jason.clayton@alairhomes.com or ping me on Teams as we will need to reauthorize people this page and the assets contained within.
- Ensure that ALL Brand Guidelines are followed
- That you provide a copy of the Brand Guidelines to the print/production shop so they can reference these
- You do not change or amend the actual design files. Again if you require help or more customized work please look to complete the appropriate form(s) found in the section immediately proceeding this one.
- When possible please have Mia or Jay proof the final layout/proof before going to production. (e.g. truck wraps)
If you have questions or are in need of something that does not exist here please ask!
Thanks from your Marketing Team.